• sound on
  • party time
  • sound on
  • welcome


Émile Tuchband (1933-2006) was born in Paris, the son of Benjamin and Clara Tuchband. He arrived in Brazil at the age of twenty-three, having already graduated in his hometown, where he attended the School of Fine Arts and the School of Architecture. Among his artistic activities in France, the fact of having helped Marc Chagall in the elaboration of the ceiling of the Paris Opera stands out. In Brazil, he settled for a long period in the city of Taubaté. Throughout his career, he exhibited his work in several exhibitions. In France, he held regular exhibitions at the Marcel Bernheim Gallery, in Paris, and participated in several salons, such as the Salon de Mai and Peintres Temoins de Leur Temps. In Brazil, he held several solo exhibitions, such as those held at Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (SP) in 1962, at Maison de France (RJ) in 1972 and at Radisson Cidade Jardim (SP) in 2005.

  • Émile Tuchband em seu atelier
  • Émile Tuchband com seu pai e seu irmão na França
  • Pintura de Émile Tuchband
Pintura de Émile Tuchband
  • Pintura de Émile Tuchband
  • Émile e Marlene Tuchband
  • Pintura de Émile Tuchband
Émile Tuchband em Paris na galeria Marcel Bernheim
  • Pintura de Émile Tuchband
  • Émile e Marlene Tuchband
  • Pintura de Émile Tuchband
  • Émile e Marlene Tuchband
  • Pintura de Émile Tuchband
  • Émile e Marlene Tuchband


Vase jaune

50 x 70 cm, 2006

mixed media on canvas


50 x 70 cm, 2006

mixed media on canvas


50 x 70 cm, 2006

mixed media on canvas

Coucher de soleil

50 x 70 cm, 2006

mixed media on canvas


50 x 80 cm, 2004

mixed media on canvas

O gato

61 x 122 cm, 1994

oil on canvas


61 x 122 cm, 1994

oil on canvas


40 x 50 cm, 1986

oil on canvas

Praça Furstenberg

78 x 62 cm, 1972

oil on canvas

Flores em fundo verde

30 x 20 cm, 2004

mixed media on canvas

Sul da França

40 x 50 cm, 1990

mixed media on canvas


80 x 60 cm, 1998

mixed media on canvas

Sul da França

60 x 80 cm, 1998

mixed media on canvas

Marché aux fleurs

110 x 70 cm, 2004

mixed media on canvas

Le bateau

50 x 70 cm, 1993

oil on canvas


84 x 120 cm, 1997

oil on canvas

Champ fleuri

81 x 115 cm, 1996

oil on canvas


80 x 115 cm, 1998

oil on canvas


23 x 30 cm, 2002

mixed media on canvas

Flores em fundo azul

50 x 40 cm, 1987

mixed media on canvas

Fleurs et fruits

65 x 45 cm, 1980

oil on canvas


14 x 18 cm, 1987

oil on canvas


50 x 70 cm, 2006

mixed media on canvas

Jangada vermelha

50 x 40 cm, 2006

mixed media on canvas

Vase à fleurs

50 x 40 cm, 2003

mixed media on canvas

La neige

30 x 40 cm, 1980

oil on canvas


74 x 34 cm, 1980

oil on canvas


40 x 50 cm, 1983

oil on canvas


58 x 43 cm, sem data

oil on canvas

Violinista no telhado

80 x 68 cm, 2006

mixed media on canvas

Nature morte

80 x 150 cm, 1998

oil on canvas