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Born in March 1968 in the city of Taubaté, SP, Brazil. Daughter of the french painter Émile Tuchband and the tennis player Marlene Tuchband. She spent her childhood between the city of Taubaté and the Fazenda beach, in Ubatuba, on the north coast of São Paulo, Brazil. She grew up among the colors and brushes in her father's studio.


At the age of 18, encouraged by her father, Isabelle took sculpture classes with the artist José Demétrio, one of the main sculptors in the Paraíba Valley, Brazil.


Visual Art studies at Santa Marcelina school, in São Paulo. Course with the brazilian painter Paulo Pasta.


Visual Art studies at the École des Arts Décoratifs and the Louvre Museum, in Paris, France.


Back in Brazil, she opens the Atelier Cité in São Paulo, with her father and the painter Verena Matzen. During this time, she dedicated herself mainly to to painting on earthenware and porcelain.


Exhibition at the Consolação Gallery, 'São Paulo for All' project by the Municipality of São Paulo, Brazil.


Solo exhibition 'Faience' at the Banespa Museum - São Paulo, Brazil.


Exhibition at Café Design Tok&Stok - São Paulo and Curitiba, Brazil.


Exhibition at the Banespa Museum - in São Paulo and at Loja Hum - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Inauguration of a public artwork at the Santa Cruz Metro station in São Paulo, Brazil. Exhibition at 'Casa do Brasil' in Madrid, Spain, with Verena Matzen.


Solo exhibition 'Vase Vide' at Galerie Landrot - Paris, France. Exhibition at the MAC Museum of Contemporary Art - Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. Exhibition 'They by Us, Portraits' at Atelier Cité - São Paulo, Brazil.


Collective exhibition 'Artuelle' - Beirut, Lebanon. Exhibition 'Tuchband & Tuchband' at Casa das Artes Gallery - São Paulo, Brazil. Collective exhibition 'Vive l Afrique' at Musée de L Homme - Paris, France.


Inclusion in the Bénézit Dictionary, ed. Grund.


Exhibition 'Imaginary Mexico' at Casa das Rosas Cultural Center - São Paulo, Brazil. Exhibition 'Confiance et Sérénite' at Atelier Cité - São Paulo, Brazil.


Collective exhibition 'Alma Paulista' at the Brazilian British Center - São Paulo, Brazil. Solo exhibition 'Ma Vie' at Espaço Esfera Artefacto - São Paulo, Brazil.


Individual installation at the Biennial Pavilion during SP Fashion Week. Solo exhibition 'Voilà mon Coeur' at Galerie Landrot - Paris, France.


Exhibition at the Concept Space - São Paulo, Brazil. Frescoes for Unilever - São Paulo. Exhibition 'Desire is a nomade' with Verena Matzen, Hilton Hotel - São Paulo, Brazil.


Exhibition at the Municipal Assembly of São Paulo. Collective exhibition at the Alumni Hall space - São Paulo. Collective exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art MAM for Melissa's 30th anniversary - Rio de Janeiro. Exhibition and launch of the book 'Voyage d Amour' at Maison Z - São Paulo. Birth of Max Joseph, son of Isabelle Tuchband and Joseph Catão, Brazil.


Invitation to illustrate the cover of publication by Maison de la France.


Creation of a commemorative amphora for the company O Boticário, Brazil. Work 'Love Moves the World' competes for the Abril Illustration Prize. Solo exhibition at Poeira - Lisbon and Cascais, Portugal.


Launch of the book 'Am I like this?' at the Brazilian Museum of Sculpture Mube-SP and at the Pinacotheca of the State of São Paulo.


Exhibition 'Papa et moi au Musée' at the Brazilian Art Museum of the Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation MAB-FAAP with Isabelle and her father's works - São Paulo, Brazil.


Exhibition 'Aba Sheli' at the Jewish Culture Center, with Émile and Isabelle Tuchband's works - São Paulo, Brazil. Release of prints for Buriti Editions at Livraria da Vila - São Paulo, Brazil. Exhibition 'Amour, Délices et Lumières' at the Dominici store - São Paulo, Brazil.


Solo exhibition 'Viens', at Galerie Landrot - Paris, France. Creation of a t-shirt collection for the Bobstore store - São Paulo. Launch of Tok&Stok bags - São Paulo. Launch of the book 'Atelier Cité Passions Declared', Editora Luste, at Livraria da Vila - São Paulo.


Performance at Oscar Freire's SCHUTZ store - São Paulo. Launch of the 'Gitane' jewelry collection for Francesca Romana Diana - São Paulo. Exhibition 'Continuar-me' at ProArte Galeria, with artist Verena Matzen, in São Paulo.


Group exhibition at WN Gallery, Basak Malone presents 'The New Collectors Selection Exhibition' - New York, USA. Exhibition 'Isabelle Tuchband and the primordial narrative' at Espaço Cultural Citi, curated by Jacob Klintowitz - São Paulo. Participation in Mônica Parade for Mônica's 50th birthday - São Paulo.


Launch of special packaging for the Granado nail polish line, with Verena Matzen, at the Concept Firma Casa - São Paulo. Participation in the book 'Mitsubishi Motorsports 2013'. Creation of a clothing line for Monoprix, a French chain of stores - Paris, France. Creation of prints for Princess stores, launch at Galeria Contempo - São Paulo. Creation of an Easter egg for Ferrero Rocher, exhibition at the JK mall - São Paulo. 'À Vous' exhibition at the Hôtel Negresco, in Nice, France.


Exhibition with Mixed inspired by Mexico, at the Di Pace Arte e Design space - São Paulo.


Exhibition 'Light and Color' - São José Rio Preto. Creation of a panel for Turismo Espanha in the Bienal building - São Paulo. Creation of fabric and t-shirts for Mixed.


Exhibition 'Full Soul' - Shopping Iguatemi - São José do Rio Preto-SP. Portrait of Our Lady of Aparecida for the Museum of Sacred Art of the National Basilica. Luz y Color exhibition at the Hilton Hotel. Launch of the book 'Émile Tuchband, Lord of Two Worlds' at the FAAP Museum of Brazilian Art, São Paulo. Trip to brazilian Amazon.


Exhibition 'About Art and 22 Brazilian Artists - an Anthology' curated by Jacob Klintowitz at the Pinacoteca of the São Paulo Medical Institute. Trip to the museums of Mexico with Verena Matzen.


Collective exhibition 'The Sacred in Us', in Tiradentes, Minas Gerais. Interview for Canal Arte 1.


Exhibition 'Wild Life'at Hípica Santo Amaro, São Paulo. Creation of works for charity auctions in favor of social works by G10Favelas and Unibes during the pandemic (2020-2021).


Participation in the exhibition 'Le design pour tous' at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, in Paris, France. Participation in the art and culture program 'Tapetah', TV Cultura, São Paulo.


Exhibition 'Views and Reinterpretations' at the Museum MAR, Rio de Janeiro. Exhibition 'Madream', with Verena Matzen, at Casa do Brasil in Madrid, Spain. Exhibition 'Arte e Fé' at Casa Nossa Senhora do Brasil, with work donated in support of the association's social works.

Isabelle Tuchband foto de Pablo di Giulio
mão de Isabelle Tuchband
capa do Dicionário Benezit
menção à Isabelle Tuchband no dicionário Benezit
obra de Isabelle Tuchband na vitrine do Monoprix Paris
Marlene, Isabelle e Max Tuchband exposição FAAP
obra de Isabelle Tuchband
obra de Isabelle Tuchband
obra de Isabelle Tuchband
I love you with all my art
obra de Isabelle Tuchband
Isabelle Tuchband pintando em Paris
Isabelle Tuchband com vaso
obra de Isabelle Tuchband
exposição Isabelle Tuchband Feel Spain
Isabelle Tuchband em seu atelier
lata com pintura de Isabelle Tuchband
Isabelle Tuchband na Espanha
obra de Isabelle Tuchband
vaso de Isabelle Tuchband
Isabelle Tuchband
obra de Isabelle Tuchband
obra de Isabelle Tuchband
Isabelle Tuchband
Isabelle Tuchband na Grécia
pintura de Isabelle Tuchband